coan  6.0.1
A C/C++ Configuration Analyzer
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symbol Struct Reference

struct symbol encapsulates a preprocessor symbol's state More...

#include <symbol.h>


struct  locator
 struct symbol::locator encapsulates a symbol table entry. More...

Public Types

enum  provenance { provenance::unconfigured, provenance::global, provenance::transient }
 Symbolic constants denoting the provenance of a symbol. More...
using symbol_table = std::map< std::string, symbol >
 Type of map implementing the symbol tbale.
using table_entry = symbol_table::value_type
 Type of entry in the symbol table.

Public Member Functions

bool operator== (symbol const &other) const
bool operator!= (symbol const &other) const
std::string const & id () const
 Get the name of the symbol.
provenance origin () const
 Get the provenance of the symbol.
void originate (provenance origin)
 Set the symbol's provenance.
unsigned line () const
 Get the source line-number at which this symbol was last defined or undefined.
std::shared_ptr< std::string
const > 
defn () const
 Get a pointer to the symbol's definition; null if undefined.
< parameter_substitution::format
const > 
format () const
 Get a pointer to the symbol's substitution format; null if none. More...
bool defined () const
 Is the symbol defined.
void set_definition (std::string const &defn)
 Set the definition of the symbol.
void set_parameters (formal_parameter_list const &params)
 Set a macro parameter list for the symbol.
void set_parameters (size_t n)
 Impute n parameters of the symbol.
void define (std::string const &defn, formal_parameter_list const &params)
 Define symbol. More...
void clear_parameters ()
 Remove any macro parameter list.
void undef ()
 Undefine thesymbol.
void report () const
 Report a reference to this symbol.
bool configured () const
 Say whether the symbol is configured.
bool deselected () const
 Say whether the symbol is deselected per the --select option.
bool invoked () const
 Say whether the symbol has been invoked. More...
bool self_referential () const
 Say whether the symbol's definition is infinitely regressive.
bool dirty () const
 Say whether cached references of this symbol are out of date, due to configuration changes of this symbol or contributing symbols.
bool clean () const
 Say whether the symbol's state has been determined.
bool in_progress () const
 Say whether a determination the symbol's state is in progress.
std::string signature () const
 Get the symbol's reference signature as string. More...
formal_parameter_list const & parameters () const
 Get the symbol's formal parameter list.
size_t which_parameter (std::string const &str) const
 Say whether a string is a parameter of the symbol.
bool variadic () const
 Say whether this symbol is a variadic macro.
void digest_global_define (chewer< std::string > &chew)
 Analyse and handle a -D option for this symbol. More...
line_type digest_transient_define (formal_parameter_list const &params, std::string const &definition)
 Analyse and handle an in-source define directive for this symbol. More...
void digest_global_undef (chewer< std::string > &chew)
 Analyse and handle a -U option for this symbol. More...
line_type digest_transient_undef ()
 Analyse and handle an in-source undef directive for this symbol. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static size_t count (provenance source)
 Get the number of symbols with a given provenance.
static size_t count ()
 Get the number of symbols in the symbol table.
static locator lookup (std::string const &id)
 Lookup an identifier in the symbol table. More...
template<class CharSeq >
static locator find_any_in (chewer< CharSeq > &chew, size_t &off)
 Search a terminal portion of a CharSeq for any known symbol name. More...
static void set_selection (char const *optarg)
static void per_file_init ()
 Delete all transient symbols from the symbol table.
static void report_global_config ()
 Report the global configuration, according to options.

Public Attributes

friend reference
 Friendship to struct reference

Private Types

enum  pseudo_snapshot { pseudo_snapshot::pristine = -1, pseudo_snapshot::define_in_progress = -2, pseudo_snapshot::undef_in_progress = -3, pseudo_snapshot::infinite = -4 }
 Pseudo snapshot numbers for symbols in indeterminate states. More...

Private Member Functions

void set_pseudo_snapshot (pseudo_snapshot n=pseudo_snapshot::pristine)
 Prime the symbol with a pseudo snapshot.
void report_premiere ()
 Report a symbol as resolved from the global configuration. The method invokes itself recursively on all the symbol's contributors and then reports the symbol itself.
void set_invoked (bool value=true)
 Mark the symbol as invoked, or not.
void subscribe_to (locator other)
 Record the symbol's definition as referring to another another symbol, and recursively as referring to those referred to by the other.
bool subscribes_to (locator other) const
 Say whether the symbol's definition refers to another another symbol, directly or indirectly.
void subscribe ()
 Acquire all the symbol's contributors. More...
void unsubscribe ()
 Forget all the symbol's contributors.
void make_clean ()
 Assign the symbol state the current sequential snapshot number, signifying that it is up-to-date, and increment the current snapshot number.
void make_dirty (pseudo_snapshot n=pseudo_snapshot::pristine)
 Assign the symbol state a pseudo snapshot number, signifying that it is out of date, and recursively to all its subscribers.
void make_self_referential ()
 Assign the symbol state a pseudo snapshot number, signifying that its definition involves an infinite regress, and recursively to all its subscribers.
void diagnose_retrospective_redefinition () const
 Diagnose the case in which defining or undefining the symbol retrospectively changes the expansion of a previously defined symbol.
int snapshot_max () const
 Get the maximum sequential snapshot number in the the recursive closure of this symbol its contributors.
 symbol (provenance source)
 Explicitly construct given a provenance. More...

Static Private Member Functions

static bool selected (std::string const &id)
 Say whether a symbol name matches a selection pattern for reporting.
static bool deselected (std::string const &id)
 Say whether a symbol name is excluded from reporting by the --select option.
static bool add_pattern (std::string const &pattern)
 Add a symbol name pattern for reporting. More...
static bool wildcard_match (std::string const &wildcard, std::string const &name)
 Say whether a symbol name matches a *-terminated wildcard prefix.
static symbol_tabletable ()
 Get a reference to the symbol table.
static symbol_table::iterator insert (std::string const &id, provenance source, symbol_table::iterator hint=table().end())
 Insert the symbol into the symbol table with a specified provenance. More...

Private Attributes

locator _loc
 Locator of this symbol in the symbol table.
std::shared_ptr< std::string > _defn
 Pointer to the symbol's definition, if any.
formal_parameter_list _params
 List of the symbol's macro arguments, if any.
provenance _provenance
 The provenance of the symbol.
unsigned _line
 Source line-number where symbol last defined or undefined, or 0.
bool _deselected
 Is the symbol deselected?
bool _invoked
 Has the symbol been invoked?
< parameter_substitution::format
int _snapshot
std::vector< symbol::locator_contributors
std::vector< symbol::locator_subscribers
 List of locators of the symbols to which this one contributes.
std::vector< bool > _no_expand_pararms

Static Private Attributes

static int _current_snapshot_
 The current sequential snapshot number.
static int _last_global_snapshot_
 The last snapshot number consumed by the global configuration.
static std::set< std::string > _selected_symbols_set_
 The set of symbols selected for reporting, if any.
static symbol_table _sym_tab_
 The symbol table.
static table_entry _null_
 The table entry of the null symbol.

Detailed Description

struct symbol encapsulates a preprocessor symbol's state

Definition at line 58 of file symbol.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum symbol::provenance

Symbolic constants denoting the provenance of a symbol.


The symbol is not configured.


The symbol is globally configured by a commandline option.


The symbol is transiently configured by an in-source directive.

Definition at line 64 of file symbol.h.

enum symbol::pseudo_snapshot

Pseudo snapshot numbers for symbols in indeterminate states.


Symbol has merely be constructed.


Symbol is in the process of being defined.


Symbol is in the process of being undefined.


References of the symbol are by definition insoluble.

Definition at line 438 of file symbol.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

symbol::symbol ( provenance  source)

Explicitly construct given a provenance.

sourceThe provenance of the symbol to construct.

Definition at line 579 of file symbol.h.

Member Function Documentation

static bool symbol::add_pattern ( std::string const &  pattern)

Add a symbol name pattern for reporting.

patternA symbol name pattern to select symbols for reporting

If pattern terminates with '*' then any symbol that initially matches the preceding portion of pattern will be reported.

True if the pattern was added, false if it was already present.

Definition at line 542 of file symbol.h.

void symbol::define ( std::string const &  defn,
formal_parameter_list const &  params 

Define symbol.

defnThe definition of the symbol
paramsThe parameter list of the symbol

The symbol is assigned the new definition and parameter list, the resulting expansion and evaluation are resolved and cached and the symbol is left dirty, i.e. other cached references of this symbol become invalid.

void symbol::digest_global_define ( chewer< std::string > &  chew)

Analyse and handle a -D option for this symbol.

chewOn entry, a chewer<std::string> positioned at the offset in the associated string from which to scan for a commandline definition. On return chew is positioned at the first offset not consumed. The commandline option is of the form -DSYM[(PARMS)[=VAL] or --define SYM[(PARMS)][=VAL] and chew shall finish just past SYM.

The commandline option is analysed for well-formedness, consistency and non-redundancy in the current configuration. Errors are diagnosed. If there are none the global configuration is updated if required.

void symbol::digest_global_undef ( chewer< std::string > &  chew)

Analyse and handle a -U option for this symbol.

chewOn entry, a chewer<std::string> positioned at the text offset from which to scan for a commabndline un-define. On return chew is positioned at the the first offset not consumed. The commandline option is of the form -USYM and chew shall finish just past SYM.

The option is analysed for well-formedness, consistency and non-redundancy in the current configuration. Errors are diagnosed. If there are none the global configuration is updated if required.

line_type symbol::digest_transient_define ( formal_parameter_list const &  params,
std::string const &  definition 

Analyse and handle an in-source define directive for this symbol.

paramsThe macro parameter list of the symbol.
definitionThe proposed definition of the symbol.
A line_type determined by the analysis, denoting the action to be taken on the directive.

The proposed defintion is analysed for consistency and non-redundancy in the current configuration. Errors are diagnosed. If there are none the transient configuration is updated if required.

line_type symbol::digest_transient_undef ( )

Analyse and handle an in-source undef directive for this symbol.

A line_type denoting the action to be taken with the directive.

The directive is analysed for well-formedness and for consistency non-redundancy in the current configuration. Errors that are diagnosed. If there are none the transient configuration is updated if required.

template<class CharSeq >
static locator symbol::find_any_in ( chewer< CharSeq > &  chew,
size_t &  off 

Search a terminal portion of a CharSeq for any known symbol name.

Search a terminal portion of a parse_buffer to find the first syntactic occurrence of the name of any symbol in the symbol table.

Template Parameters
CharSeqA charcter-sequence type.
chewOn entry, a chewer<CharSeq> positioned at the offset in the associated CharSeq from which to scan. On return chew is positioned just passed the first occurrence found of he name of any known symbol, or at the end of the CharSeq if none.
offOn return, receives the offset in the CharSeq of the first known symbol name detected, if any, else is unchanged.
The locator of the known symbol detected, if any, else the null locator.
std::shared_ptr<parameter_substitution::format const> symbol::format ( ) const

Get a pointer to the symbol's substitution format; null if none.

A pointer to the substitution format of this symbol, if any, else null.
The substitution format is coan's internal representation of the
manner in which macro arguments are to be interpolated into the
symbol's definition, if any.

Definition at line 208 of file symbol.h.

static symbol_table::iterator symbol::insert ( std::string const &  id,
provenance  source,
symbol_table::iterator  hint = table().end() 

Insert the symbol into the symbol table with a specified provenance.

idThe name of the symbol to insert.
sourceThe provenance of the symbol.
hintAn iterator that is an upper bound hint to the insertion position.
An iterator to the inserted symbol.

Definition at line 564 of file symbol.h.

bool symbol::invoked ( ) const

Say whether the symbol has been invoked.

True iff the symbol has been invoked.

I.e. has a reference to the symbol been encountered.

Definition at line 274 of file symbol.h.

static locator symbol::lookup ( std::string const &  id)

Lookup an identifier in the symbol table.

idThe identfier to be sought.
A locator. If no symbol named id is found then the mull locator is returned.

Definition at line 396 of file symbol.h.

static void symbol::set_selection ( char const *  optarg)

brief Set the list of symbol masks for symbol reporting, as specified by the --select option.

optargThe argument of the --select option
std::string symbol::signature ( ) const

Get the symbol's reference signature as string.

The symbol name suffixed with its formal parameter list, if any.

Definition at line 306 of file symbol.h.

void symbol::subscribe ( )

Acquire all the symbol's contributors.

The symbol discovers all other symbols that contribute to its definition.

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<symbol::locator> symbol::_contributors

List of locators of the symbols that appear in the definition of this symbol

Definition at line 612 of file symbol.h.

std::shared_ptr<parameter_substitution::format> symbol::_format

Pointer to the parameter substitution format of the symbol, null if none.

Definition at line 603 of file symbol.h.

std::vector<bool> symbol::_no_expand_pararms

Boolean vector flagging the parameters whose arguments shall not be macro expanded because theya are subject to token ops.

Definition at line 618 of file symbol.h.

int symbol::_snapshot

Sequential snapshot number of this symbol. Is set = the global sequential snapshot counter each time a reference of the symbol is resolved.

Definition at line 608 of file symbol.h.

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